Thursday, April 26, 2007

Creating What You Love

Creating What You Love

Hello All,

Many of you have asked questions concerning what is showing up in your life and how to change it. Below is something that may help you if you are truly interested in making a change in your life. Ask youself, "What is it that I love about creating this?" Could you really love creating the things you don't like in your life?

Yes, otherwise would you keep creating it? You keep creating the same relationship over and over again, you have to look at what you love about it. Cause in order to create anything over and over again, there's something about it that you find more enticing, more exciting and more fun than anything else. Oftentimes it's just an insane point of view, but your and whatever you do, don't destroy it. [note sarcasm]

The thing that Dain and I have as the friends we are, we demand of each other that we be greater. It's like he never lets me sit on my laurels and I never let him sit on his.

You have to decide for yourself, you know what, enough. This is going to be greater than this or I'm not going to have it. If it can't be greater, then what the [heck] am I doing here? Why am I doing this, because you know what? It's not enough for me. And when you get to the point in your life, no matter what the relationship is (or life that you currently have is) that it's not enough for you, you have choice, you either make it greater or you move on.

Destroy and uncreate your relationship everyday with all of your friends.

Destroy and uncreate your relationship everyday with all of your family.

Destroy and uncreate your relationship everyday with your marriage/relationship/partner.

Destroy and uncreate your relationship everyday with your business/work.

Destroy and uncreate your relationship everyday with your life.

Destroy and uncreate your relationship everyday with your self.

Gary Douglas, Access Energy Transformation

If you do this with everything in your life, every day, you will have freedom and be able to live in the present. It does not mean that you have to push these people/things away, you are just creating them new every day and without the past as a reference. This will allow you to have true awareness and you can start to create what you love.

How does it get any better than that?



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Smile Cards - Pay It Forward

Smile Cards!

Starting in September of 2003, smile cards began appearing all around the world. They are markers of a newfangled game of tag, where "you're it" because someone has done something nice for you. Then it's your turn to do something nice for someone else and, in the process, pass the card along. This is a game of pay-it-forward: anonymously make someone smile, leave behind a card asking them to keep the ripple going. It's easy and fun. Is kindness truly contagious? There's only one way to find out ...

Join in the fun!

My Smile Card Story

--posted by Richard on Mar 8, 2007

About a month ago I learned about "smile cards," which can be found at Smile cards are "an experiment in anonymous kindness," as stated on each card.

Each card, when used in the spirit intended, serves at least two immediate purposes. One, it becomes the physical marker of an event of anonymous kindness. This is important because, physically persisting, it can serve as the template for the perpetuation of the idea of itself: new acts of anonymous kindness. As an object carrying an explanation of itself, it also will serve as a reference point for the recipient of the anonymous act of kindness who, besides being grateful may well be befuddled. Anonymous acts of kindness verge on the incomprehensible to most of us in this culture. The mere idea remains a little shocking. Imagine how disorienting it might be to receive an anonymous act of kindness oneself! It could be both discombobulating and bejooberating at the same time! It's easy to see how one would need to look again at the card to double-check on what just happened. And on the back of each card, the explanation is there: "someone reached out to you with an anonymous act of kindness. Now it's your turn to do the same. Do something nice for someone, leave this card behind, and keep the spirit going."

Ten minutes after putting the card in your pocket you'd start doubting what happened. Did that really happen to me? And you'd reach in your pocket and pull out the smile card to read it again.

And so, out of the confusion, the gratitude, the disorientation any act of anonymous kindness is likely to induce, each card remains as the gentle, orienting reminder to the recipient of what happened. Thus it points toward a realignment, perhaps the beginning of a new attitude, one of greater alertness to whatever is taking place around one, especially with regard to others.

Smile cards came into my life about a month ago. The act that made me aware that the idea of the smile card had sunk in a little might seem trivial. Driving up to a stoplight, as I passed by a driver, I noticed he suddenly realized he needed to get over into my lane. But it was too late. I watched to see if he could get in behind me, but the driver behind me refused to make space. So he was stuck in the wrong lane beside me waiting at the red light. I reached out my window and made a hand signal: cross over in front of me when the light changes. He did and waved his thanks. A few minutes later, I noticed that I had a smile on my face, and I hadn't even used one of the smile cards I had in my shirt pocket!

--Richard, editor Works & Conversation

Reader Comments
sewingsphynx wrote: At all times those smile cards serve as an inspiration to do good. The ripple effect is alive and well!

sheetal wrote: dear richard
random acts of kindness have a way of becoming a way of life once practiced often...
glad its become a way for you,

tambu wrote: Thanks for passing on the love, Richard!

Join in the fun! Get your smile cards, read up on some kindness ideas, and get started!

Download Smile Cards

Freely download our designs. You can take our high-resolution Photoshop files to your local printer and get your cards made. We also have cards available in several different languages. Learn more >>

Request Pre-Printed Smile Cards

Get some pre-printed cards. We know you will continue to do kind acts even without cards, but we are happy to ship you some to keep the kindness moving along. Simply fill out the order form below.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Installing Love

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: SEELOVEverywhere (Artist Nan Sea Love)

i love Delly!

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Vegan Delly Doolittle



Tech Support: Yes, how can I help you?

Customer: Well, after much consideration, I've
decided to install Love. Can you guide me through
the process?

Tech Support: Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to

Customer: Well, I'm not very technical, but I
think I'm ready. What do I do first?

Tech Support: The first step is to open your Heart.
Have you located your Heart?

Customer: Yes, but there are several other
programs running now. Is it okay to install Love while
they are running?

Tech Support: What programs are running ?

Customer: Let's see, I have Past Hurt, Low
Self-Esteem, Grudge and Resentment running right now.

Tech Support: No problem, Love will gradually erase
Past Hurt from your current operating system. It may
remain in your permanent memory but it will no longer
disrupt other programs. Love will eventually override
Low Self-Esteem with a module of its own called High
Self-Esteem. However, you have to completely turn off
Grudge and Resentment. Those programs prevent Love
from being properly installed. Can you turn those off?

Customer: I don't know how to turn them off.
Can you tell me how?

Tech Support: With pleasure. Go to your start menu and
invoke Forgiveness. Do this as many times as necessary
until Grudge and Resentment have been completely

Customer: Okay, done! Love has started
installing itself. Is that normal?

Tech Support: Yes, but remember that you have only the
base program. You need to begin connecting to other
Hearts in order to get the upgrades.

Customer: Oops! I have an error message
already. It says, "Error - Program not run on external
components." What should I do?

Tech Support: Don't worry. It means that the Love
program is set up to run on Internal Hearts, but has
not yet been run on your Heart. In non-technical
terms, it simply means you have to Love yourself
before you can Love others.

Customer: So, what should I do?

Tech Support: Pull down Self-Acceptance; then click on
the following files: Forgive-Self; Realize Your
Worth; and Acknowledge your Limitations.

Cus tomer: Okay, done.

Tech Support: Now, copy them to the "My Heart"
directory. The system will overwrite any conflicting
files and begin patching faulty programming. Also, you
need to delete Verbose Self-Criticism from all
directories and empty your Recycle Bin to make sure it
is completely gone and never comes back.

Customer: Got it. Hey! My heart is filling up
with new files. Smile is playing on my monitor and
Peace and Contentment are copying themselves all over
My Heart. Is this normal?

Tech Support: Sometimes. For others it takes awhile,
but eventually everything gets it at the proper time.
So Love is installed and running. One more thing
before we hang up. Love is Freeware. Be sure to give
it and its various modules to everyone you meet. They
will in turn share it with others and return some cool
modules back to you.


Manifesting Intention
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Sunday, April 22, 2007

What Are You Grateful For?

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: ~cHaos~
I needed this!

Thank you,

With so much talk about the movie
"The Secret,"
and The law of Attraction,
I thought it might be helpful to share
a powerful method for drawing toward you
more of what you want in life.

It's about being grateful.

When you stay connected to what you feel grateful for every day, you ignite the law of attraction by programming your subconscious mind to stay focused on what you love. The question then becomes: How do you remember to do this every day?

Here are a few ways to build a daily gratitude practice into your life:

~*~ Choose one activity you already do on a regular basis and align it with a gratitude ritual. For example, when brushing your teeth, make it a point to identify three things you feel grateful for. Or, once you finish going through the mail, take a few moments to think about the people in your life who make you smile.

~*~ Keep several pages at the back of your journal as an ongoing gratitude list and just before you go to bed, list five or six things you feel grateful for. It's not only a smart way to stay connected to the abundance that already exists in your life, it's fun to review the list over time.

~*~ Make up a new gratitude game with the kids. When driving the kids to school in the morning (or making breakfast), announce that it's time to play the "Here's What I'm Grateful For" game. Ask the kids to yell out the things they appreciate. If you're willing to put up with a little eye-rolling, I'd suggest you try it with your teenagers, too. It's so important to help kids develop this habit early in life.

~*~ During each meal, go around the table and have each person share one thing he or she feels grateful for. To take the conversation to an even deeper level, you might ask each person to name a challenge that turned out to be a blessing in disguise. This ritual is a wonderful way to start a meal off on the right foot, and to create a more intimate and meaningful experience.

When I think about all I have to feel grateful for, I'm reminded of the things that can easily be taken for granted. For example, today I feel grateful for the sunshine after several cloudy days, the budding flowers in my garden that herald spring, and the wonderful emails I received today from my friends here.

What about you?

What are you grateful for today?

Let today be the start of a new gratitude ritual.

Here's an idea:

Each time you log on to MySpace, while the page is loading, stop and think of ten things you are thankful for.

You might even keep a little notebook near your computer. There's nothing like a grateful heart to get you started on each morning!

ME Webhost

Heart Center

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: *Karen~Karma*

Thank You And Blessings to
The Healing Channel
Angel Warrior

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Hathor Channeling - 4/18/05

We wish to speak with you in this section concerning the generation of ecstasy through focusing on the heart. We do not speak of the heart chakra in this instance, but rather we refer to the physical heart, the heart muscle itself.
This technique involves your focus, or attention, joined with the emotion of gratitude, or appreciation—which ever you prefer to use.
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As soon as you focus your attention on the heart, you may notice a flow of subtle energy.
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From our perspective, your focus of attention operates much like the central point of an energy vortex. This is especially true within your physical body and the field surrounding your body—your energy field—what the ancients called the aura.
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Your ability to create a focus of attention is not just a cerebral, or brain, activity. It is an activity on many levels of consciousness. Wherever you place you attention within your body, or within the energy field of your body, there is an immediate flow of subtle energy to that point, or area, which has an enlivening effect upon the cells of your body, and/or the luminous light fibers that comprise your energy body.
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Your focus, indeed, creates a warping effect at the subatomic levels, what you might call quantum field effects. These field-effects create distinct flows of energy, geometry and harmonics within you.
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To alter the quantum field through the power of your focus is an important ability we urge you to master. Its applications are numerous, the cultivation of ecstasy being just one of them.
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In this method, you use this ability to hold focus or attention, joined with the emotion of appreciation or gratitude. These two emotions have a coherent effect upon your energy field and upon the rhythmic magnetic emanations of your physical heart. This combination of focus and coherent emotion can be used to generate high states of ecstasy.
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As we have said previously, the generation of ecstatic states of consciousness is an important evolutionary catalyst. We strongly suggest that you learn to create states of ecstasy throughout your day.
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We realize that, for many of you, your daily life may not be conducive to the cultivation of such states, but we urge you to find times throughout your day where you can practice attaining these states for at least a few minutes at a time. A little bit of time spent in ecstasy is better than no time at all.
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This practice will set up a harmonic or a relationship with the Earth, as a conscious living being, and with the harmonic waves of catalytic evolution that are flowing through your galaxy.
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In this technique you focus your attention on the physical heart. As you focus your attention on this area, you generate the feeling of appreciation or gratitude. It is not the thought of appreciation or gratitude—but rather the emotion. In this method, thought will not activate the subtle energies needed to generate ecstasy—only feeling is capable of activating the energy vortices within you.
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As you focus on the physical heart and generate the feeling of appreciation, or gratitude, a waveform of energy begins to flow throughout the body—carried by the magnetic fields of the heart, which emanate outward from the physical heart to encompass your entire body. As the flow of energy begins throughout the body, there is a spontaneous arising of ecstasy—cellular ecstasy.
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Experiment with this technique. Sense what happens in your body as you focus upon your heart and generate these feelings of appreciation and gratitude. Physically feel what seems to be happening at the cellular level as the one trillion (or so) cells of your body receive this coherent energy of gratitude or appreciation.
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Once you have established the ability to create ecstasy as described above, and once you are able to generate ecstasy whenever you desire it—at will—begin to experiment with your energy field—what some call the subtle energy body.
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In working with this method your attention is, again, on the heart, generating feelings of appreciation and gratitude. And as you sense ecstasy beginning to arise in your body, you shift your attention to the field around your body.
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This field of energy looks very much like a luminous egg when viewed clairvoyantly. The wide part of this luminous egg shape is up around the shoulders and the more narrow part is around the feet. There is a central line or axis that runs through the center of this field, and it happens to also run through the center of your physical body—through the top of the head and down through the perineum. This line is the central axis of the magnetic field that comprises the subtle energy body. This body, or field, extends above the head and below the feet a few inches, to a several feet, or even yards. In certain highly charged energy states, the axis and subtle energy body can expand much farther than that.
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By shifting your attention to this central axis and to the field surrounding your body, you allow the ecstasy to move out from the physical body into the field. This is very positive and creates powerful harmonic patterns that bring you into resonance with the waveforms of accelerated evolution that are flowing through your galaxy.
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Do not underestimate the power of this technique. Though it is very simple, it is profound and effective. It will bring you into a higher state of resonance and vibration. And this is, from our perspective, crucial in order to pass through the energetic portals and transformational energies that your Earth is now experiencing and will continue to experience.
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There are things we would like to say to you about your nature and your destiny, but they would, most likely, not be understood by you unless you are, at the very least, in a state of ecstasy.
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This is because the reference point for consciousness is established not only by belief, but also by one’s emotional harmonics. And without you being in a state of ecstasy, it would be like trying to describe a sunrise to a blind person who does not have the ability to directly perceive what you are talking about. To such a person it would be a make-believe world you are describing. But if suddenly this person could see, he or she could sense the sun directly and verify that your description of the world was accurate. And what was once deemed to be in the realm of myth will now be seen as real.
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And so we leave you in this moment with what may seem like a myth, but which we hold as self-evident. You are creator beings in the midst of creating your future and the future of generations yet to come. You hold within your heart a key to the Mystery of Mysteries. And the threshold, the opening into this mystery is through your capacity to enter ecstasy. Be bold and find your path, your way of living upward into this elevated state of being. Do know, however, the ecstasy is not the end of the way. It is simply the beginning.
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Try the method we have laid out for you here. Experiment with the methods we have given earlier and that we will give in the near future. Enter ecstasy whenever you can. Know that when do so, you enter into communion with all the elevated beings and masters who have served and who are serving humanity. Know that when you do so, you enter into communion with your Self.
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In joy and laughter,
The Hathors
by Tom Kenyon - Found at


Music Codes by

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Infinite Possibilities

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: *Karen~Karma*

Thank You

Infinite Possibilities
by Owen Waters

Quantum physics is more than a century old; yet, people's eyes
still glaze over when they first hear of its strange ways. In
the sub-microscopic world of elementary energy particles, the
universe acts very differently from the one we know in our
physical world.

As it turns out, the quantum world actually reveals the true
nature of the universe, while what we see on the physical level
is a carefully-created illusion. For example, at any point in
time, life presents an array of infinite possibilities. When
you make a decision as to what to do next, then - only then -
does your immediate future become a reality instead of just
another possibility. Then, and only then, does the next step in
your history get written.

In quantum physics, energetic particles, such as photons of
light, only become particles of energy when you focus your
attention upon them. Until then, they remain as fields of
influence which radiate waves of energy, not particles. These
waves of energy, rather than traveling as a particle directly
from A to B, spread out as waves that explore all possible
paths before them.

Energy particles live in a world of possibilities, waiting to
be made manifest by a conscious decision from someone,
somewhere. In a conscious universe, any form of attention, even
that of a passive observer, manifests actual particles from the
waves of potential.

As a human, you were born to manifest a life from infinite
possibilities. At each step along the way, you create history
by deciding which possibility to explore and working your way
through that action. You choose and create the experience from
the potential and make it manifest.

The quantum world gets even stranger when you find that, in
its natural, unmanifested state, it is free from the
constraints of time and space. Electrons routinely affect their
own future, and even their own past. Quantum physicists even
had to include "negative time" (traveling into the past) in
their equations in order to include the time travel which is
exhibited at the quantum level.

Now, if the quantum world is the real world, the one from
which our stable reality is constructed, then what does this
mean for our possibilities? It certainly means that we have
infinite choices for the future. The burning question is, how
will the different choices turn out?

People in research projects have used hypnosis to access
deeper states of consciousness. In these deeper states of
awareness, they have examined their own future possibilities
based on their present-day options. The amazing thing is that
these future paths are just as real to the exploring
consciousness as the person's daily reality. It's as though all
paths already exist, quantum physics-style, as an array of
possibilities that are very real, just not yet manifested.

For example, in hypnotherapist Brian Weiss's book, "Same Soul,
Many Bodies," a patient who was convinced that suicide was his
only real option was progressed - moved forward in time - to
see how his suicide would turn out. He expected to find that
the suicide would provide the desired relief from his crushing
business problems. Instead, he saw how much grief he would have
caused his wife and children. Worse still, he saw that his
family members would take the blame for his death upon
themselves, feeling that they should have somehow helped him
and prevented such a tragedy.

Then, he was progressed into a future where he had decided
against suicide and, instead, faced up to his crisis of
personal failure. Instead of being shunned by his family and
friends, as he had expected, he saw them helping him to work
through the crisis and recover his standing in the business
world. As his consciousness moved through this alternative
life, he saw the effects of following the sense of newfound joy
that he had allowed into his life. In the light of such
possibilities, his intended suicide was no longer a viable
option and he chose the path towards joy.

I find it fascinating that alternate futures exist in such
detail, in such vivid reality, for each person. Not only do
they exist as possibilities, they seem as real as if the person
had already lived them. Those who view these alternate futures
are not making them up. In the above example, the person
considering suicide was so depressed about himself that he
thought his family would say "Good riddance" when he was gone;
he could not have made up the scenes of the alternative futures
that he saw under hypnosis. Instead, people who see these
future alternatives often learn from situations that they could
never have imagined.

In a universe created by Infinite Being, each one of us has,
by design, infinite possibilities. The question is, what could
you do today that will make your tomorrow even better than it
would have been? Following your innermost joy means that you
are using this inbuilt compass that points unfailingly towards
greater fulfillment in life.

You can also gain inspiration by discovering some of today's
best books on spirituality. You'll find Brian Weiss's
fascinating book and a careful selection of other outstanding
modern spiritual classics on our Recommended Books page at:

ME Webhost

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Heal The Planet

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: vini

Thank you: Wilson Noble

if this has touched you as much as it has touched me please please forward this bulletin to all your friends....
just follow the link then copy & paste the embed code into your message.....

there truly is a lot of love,
always all ways

peace & prosperity friends
we are all in it together

we are all one

ME Webhost

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Friday, April 13, 2007

Pondering Thoughts - Remember Who You Are

Pondering Thoughts - Remember Who You Are
D. Caudill

I sat and pondered a bit on how to write this and what to call it. But then, I sit and ponder about sitting and pondering. In transferring thoughts to writing, that someone else reads, I have to be careful. Words are power. The power to heal and the power to inflict. I have passed on and written about how thoughts create. For those not completely in tune with this yet, look around. there is nothing you now see before you that you did not personally "think" into being. It makes no difference in whether you believe it or not. It could be said that you are "the creator", you are "god" part of the "whole", or a fraction of God, as a cell is to the whole contain all the same powers and ability.

Therefore, everything you see before you...are "your" creations. It could be said that there is no thing that is not God. All of everything is but one thing, GOD. Period. God decided one day to meditate and "come to know himself". To do this he created "experience". You know how easy it is to get "caught up" in something to a degree you think of nothing else. Or, how a dream can feel and seem so real that it leaves you questioning.

Now, perhaps you might see how easy it could be to "forget" who you really are by getting so involved and "lost" within your own creation, and the "experiencing of it".

Look around again. All the people, the things, even the smallest nic nac you see in front of you, are there, because of you. Now, being God, or, god...would it not be very smart to leave yourself/himself clues, messages and "points of reference" so that it's not possible to get lost within his/your own created "matrix"? Like a door in a lucid dream may be a reminder for you to ask "am I dreaming", and to become awake, inside of it.

This may seem crazy until you actually try it, yet, the last time I decided to clean the this way, I took one room at a time and looked at everything I let stay in that room as I was cleaning. As I began to look at each of these, and considered why any of it was here, and if I even needed it, it dawned on me that these were in fact my creations, and all of them contained messages about me/to me...about what I was inside. And not only that, these things had "returned to me" to be "blessed by me"...or, to say, acknowledged and given thanks for the energy and messages they contained...and in that blessing...they found a new place in that room, or, were passed on into a "greater place", in "my kingdom".

I can not tell you the amount of energy all of this released, and the flood of emotion this it will cause. It must be your own have to understand by experiencing it. That is the only way. Try it...I guarantee your experience. You won't sleep for days as you will find yourself "understanding" where each thing desires itself to be, creating free flowing energy...freeing trapped energy within themselves, which becomes yours, and messages spilling out to you in such a way that you can not help but cry yourself through the whole process, with happiness. It's incredible, and no words will ever describe it for you.

That being said, I have also spoke of "using and sending LOVE". I'll put the link once again at the bottom of this page to the free books you can read online or print out. They read like a good novel, yet show you how to "power up" to use this stuff, like magic...and it works, because it is the "absolute power of the universe".

Once "armed", you are ready to change "everything".

And, that's the whole point of this writing.

We talk of meditating, and of laws of attraction. We talk of how you can create everything and anything. We have even spoken in ways that have got you to try, to experince, and experiment with this. It does work, if you, as creator, desire it to.

But now, aside from all of that...your "true state of being" calls to you.

You have found that when you practice these things that you do get what you want, when your paying attention...and when your not, you get what you wanted anyway...the only difference being, you may receive a confused creation. So, "attend" to your creating.

You have also found where you wanted something, got it, and, much like a child getting a new toy, you tire of it in a few days and want "something else". Now, whether you take a moment to "get this", or several lifetimes, you "will" get it.

Once you get to this point, you REMEMBER why you are here. And this, you created it this way.

You are here to apply your powers to "restoration".


If you have a toothache, you attend to it. If your hungry, you fill that need. It is part of "this part of you". You would not ignore or deny it in any way. You will not cut off your foot because you stepped on a nail...would you?

Do you still not understand your total connection to everything? Do you still not understand that everything is you? Let any sickness enter the body and an unlimited measure of cells rush to that area to respond...not to kill, as is commonly said, but to heal, to return to "being".

Therefore, you are here to restore "being" in a "state of oneness".

Lightworkers to dayworkers are here for this reason. It makes no difference who you are. Your here for the same reason. It is with respect that some choose to be here to "reflect to some others" what needs to have attention given. We do not "rush to kill" that part of us that "pains us". We don't heal a wound by taking a jackhammer to it. We give it "full healing attention". We send love to it, not a judgement of it. We don't "starve it" or "take from it".

We "send love". We find a need out of many, not focusing our attentions on it from an eratication program, "cut it out" mentality, else, we would commit sucide before we were done. We send love in full measure, overflowing, submerging, over-whelming, intensely, without fail.

Any thought has power, ALL THOUGHT CREATE - PERIOD !!!. Put it out there, it creates. If it's not what you fully desire you had better be are truly powerful. Your thought will manifest, somewhere, and along with others, with emmense measure.

Now, a "directed thought" is a billion times more powerful than one just let go of into the "collective". It is attracted to all like acts just like a chemical and someone will experience your creation...believe it. Not only that but a "positive loving thought" is millions of times more powerful than one negative or un-loving.

You've had an idea, say, about some new product, let it go, only to see it 6 months later on the market. ow, you may have had the orginal thought, or, it came to you out of the "collective" of like thoughts that are out there/inside you. Just because you didn't act on it is no reason another one can't.

By meditating, by sending love, by directing it to key inflict your total will upon that. Don't think it won't have an has TOTAL POWER TO EFFECT WHAT YOU WILL.

By sending love, constantly, to those points you choose, where your attention is drawn, you are empowered to "HEAL" that. Other thoughts of "like union" will assist. Be that something going on someplace else like the middle-east or right in your own backyard...You are here to heal, by loving, by becoming what you already are by simply remembering it.

And, don't forget that TIME is of no concern. You can send love to "the past" and "the future", and any event of that...and "it will change those events, which changed the now. Understand, the past and the future are all going on right now. There is only "this moment" preceived from different prespectives...that's all.

No law nor statue or order of men may make one difference in your power. Your powers are absolute. Putting a nail into a board is near impossible, till you realize you've got a tool box with a "tool inside" that makes it a forgone conclusion...easy.

But, let's take this one step further...YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE THIS. Nothing you encounter, ever, is anything you haven't already done. All of this is memory...your key is MEMORY.


D. Caudill

Living On Love - The Series - The Real Powers Revealed


The Intentional One
Essence of Eden Community
Manifesting Intention
Essence of Reality
Powers of Love

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