Monday, June 04, 2007

Never Forget To...

From: uniL♥Visions

♥thanks, Love~
~ Unity ~

Why I never forget to say I love you" . . .


~Author unknown~

If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more

If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word,
so I could play them back day after day.

If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute
to stop and say "I love you,"
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.

If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.

For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything just right.

There will always be another day
to say "I love you,"
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "Anything I can do?"

But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day,

That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today,
and whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear

Take time to say "I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay."
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today.

"There are only two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle, The other is as though everything is a miracle. I believe in the latter."

-- Albert Einstein

Sent with Love, Unity

Please Don't hesitate to share this with friends

"When there's love in your heart,
you always have something left to give"

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Romance vs Love

From: Tony
Thajnks! ~

June 4, 2007
The Real Thing
Love Should Feel Good

Often in our lives, we fall prey to the idea of a thing rather than actually experiencing the thing itself. We see this at play in our love lives and in the love lives of our friends, our family, and even fictional characters. The conceptualizing, depiction, and pursuit of true love are multimillion-dollar industries in the modern world. However, very little of what is offered actually leads us to an authentic experience of love. Moreover, as we grasp for what we think we want and fail to find it, we may suffer and bring suffering to others. When this is the case, when we suffer more than we feel healed, we can be fairly certain that what we have found is not love but something else.

When we feel anxious, excited, nervous, and thrilled, we are probably experiencing romance, not love. Romance can be a lot of fun as long as we do not try to make too much of it. If we try to make more of it than it is, the romance then becomes painful. Romance may lead to love, but it may also fade without blossoming into anything more than a flirtation. If we cling to it and try to make it more, we might find ourselves pining for a fantasy, or worse, stuck in a relationship that was never meant to last.

Real love is identifiable by the way it makes us feel. Love should feel good. There is a peaceful quality to an authentic experience of love that penetrates to our core, touching a part of ourselves that has always been there. True love activates this inner being, filling us with warmth and light. An authentic experience of love does not ask us to look a certain way, drive a certain car, or have a certain job. It takes us as we are, no changes required. When people truly love us, their love for us awakens our love for ourselves. They remind us that what we seek outside of ourselves is a mirror image of the lover within. In this way, true love never makes us feel needy or lacking or anxious. Instead, true love empowers us with its implicit message that we are, always have been, and always will be, made of love.

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Language of Love

From: Tony

Thanks! ~ indigowindchime

Love in English has hundreds of meanings in common usage.
"Love" in Hebrew is expressed by a variety of words which are somewhat broad in their usage.

DODIM, an impulse of heart, a sexual attraction

HAMED, desire, covet, lust

' AGAV, impure love, doting, lust

RE'A, companionship, friendship,

HESED, mercy and compassion

Hasheq, strong attachement

AHAV, inclination or affection, desire, whether human or divine

"LOVE" in Greek, is expressed by five distinct words
having more distinct meanings:

Desire- attraction (epithumia)

Longing - romance (eros)

Belonging - affection (storge)

Cherishing - friendship (phile)

Selfless giving - the truest of loves (agape)

Learning what language your soul is speaking can teach
you much about who you really are and where you are going....

Enigma, The Gravity of Love

Originally posted by indigowindchime

Feel free to explore the many languages and add the meanings and words for LOVE. Each forms it's own "vibration", and thus "it's powers". Again, once you begin to see the power in words and feel with use, you will be empowered.

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What Is Love?

From: Christopher

taken from one of my favorite blogs...
i feel all high today 'cause I finally went out dancing! WHOOO HOOO!

What is Love?

Maybe I read too many Richard Bach books, or watched too many movies...god knows there isn't a movie out there that doesn't end with some sort of swapping of DNA between two people suposedly 'in love', but I've spent alot of my wakingtime thinking about love and what it really is, and I have this crazy idea of what love actually is.

I think every human has an energy, or electricity flowing through their body. This energy flows freely through a healthy newborn child, but as we age and are made to feel bad about ourselves, or damage our bodies with toxic food or bad habits, we impede the flow of this energy, and create blockages which need to be removed. There is also another more subtle energy, which flows through the soul, and which is blocked by events from past lives, and 'emotional' things that occur to us in this life. This energy is impeded by improper development or misuse of the emotions, traumatic childhood type events etc...this more subtle energy can actually then manifest as blockages in the more dense, physical energy.

When the more dense energy is perfectly flowing through the physical body, an exctasy indesribable is felt throughout the body. It is as though you are teetering on the very very, point of no return, edge of orgasm 24-7. And this is the state which most people refer to as,"seing god". In this state, the perfect union between your soul and God is undeniable, and the delusions of the world fall away, in a way that the human mind will not ever grasp, until experienced. It is like...a reunion with the truth. Healthy babies exist in this state all the time, and is what yogis call Samadhi, or Zen. Yoga actually means union with God.

Now throughout our lives as we have fearful experiences, or are told by ourselves, are parents, and whoever is around us that we are 'bad', we shut our awareness of this perfectly freely flowing energy off, while we are busy feeling 'bad', or afraid. It is actually a chemical process by which toxins are produced in the physical body from the breakdown products of adrenaline, and stress hormones that activate when we are afraid, or upset. When these chemicals wear off, they leave behind
toxic chemicals (adrenal chromate I think?) that can actually cause brain damage after long periods of exposure to stressfull situations. Like kids growing up in abusive homes, thier brains are actually damaged by the constant stress chemicals. Even after the stressful situation is passed, the chemical damage can be permanent. how do we get back to perfect blissed out state? Usually we fall in love. See, what happens is, when we get near someone that has thier energy flowing nicely in some area but not in others, but our areas line one person is lacking where the other person is fine...the energy starts to flow again perfectly becasue the channel is now unblocked. Where there is a blockage in your body, the other person is open, so the energy has a path to flow through. And over time, this energy can remove blockages in both people's bodies, and bring them both closer to perfection. I think it makes sense that these two people should fall in love and want to combine thier physical bodies into one person, one person that would be a complete whole where the parents were individually lacking in areas. This is how babies should be made, in my opinion. Those babies, born from that kind of love are super-babies.

So love is really just that blissed out all the time, everything's gonna be ok, kinda feeling, and that is really just the biproduct of being near someone that completes your circuit. 'Love' is really the perfect flow of energy around a healthy human being. It is this state that has been genetically bred out of us, so that we may be a slave to institutions which teach us that we are bad, and sinners, and that only by going into their building, and donating money to them, can you experience this feeling again. If everyone were intimately associated with the universe, how could the church control access to God?

The truth is, you don't need anything else outside your body to get back to that perfect state of oneness with the universe, that state that makes human love look like a joke. It is only by completing our own circuits, and becoming completely fully functioning human beings, through Yoga, Tai-Chi, Chi-Gung, Kung-Fu, Meditation, Dancing, whatever. Any of the millions of ways the universe has sent us to save ourselves, so that we can break our desire to have relationship after relationship, in a vain attempt to find what it is that we are truly looking for, which is peace. It is from this state, that we learn to love ourselves, and forgive ourselves our past mistakes,and begin to influence our need to be reborn into physical bodies at all.

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Friday, June 01, 2007

May You Know You Are Loved

From: *Karen~Karma*

May you always feel loved.

May you find serenity and tranquility
in a world you may not always understand.

May the pain you have known
and the conflict you have experienced
give you the strength to walk through life
facing each new situation with courage and optimism.

Always know that there are those
whose love and understanding will always be there,
even when you feel most alone.

May a kind word,
a reassuring touch,
and a warm smile
be yours every day of your life,
and may you give these gifts
as well as receive them.

May the teachings of those you admire
become part of you,
so that you may call upon them.

Remember, those whose lives you have touched
and who have touched yours
are always a part of you,
even if the encounters were less than you would have wished.
It is the content of the encounter
that is more important than its form.

May you not become too concerned with material matters,
but instead place immeasurable value
on the goodness in your heart.
Find time in each day to see beauty and love
in the world around you.

Realize that what you feel you lack in one regard
you may be more than compensated for in another.
What you feel you lack in the present
may become one of your strengths in the future.
May you see your future
as one filled with promise and possibility.
Learn to view everything as a worthwhile experience.

May you find enough inner strength
to determine your own worth by yourself,
and not be dependent
on another's judgment of your accomplishments.

May you always feel loved.

Thanks for sharing

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