Friday, December 28, 2007

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Run Your Car On Water

Run Your Car On Water Right Now

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Monday, October 01, 2007

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Intense Light healing

As I sit in silence, I open (further) my heart center. As light flows in through the top of my head, through the channels of energy, each chakra "lights up", as if they were the starting lights at a drag race.

As light energy enters from the top, energy also enters from the "root", from the above, so below.

The energy flows in to the heart, as it increases it's intensity of light, of over flowing love...getting brighter and brighter, all consuming, it grows beyond my body...I have "become like the sun(son?)".

As the energy of love overflows into my body, each and every cell vibrates in total response and state of being, infused with love, perfection, light.

As wave after wave, pulse after pulse, like a giant explosion, LOVE goes out in every direction - forever. In what I call seconds, love has already returned to me, overlapped, multipled, doubled in strenght and power, and went out again. The "giving" has brought the "receiving". This is being within the flow - "Being - Within The Flow".

And as get goes out and returns over and over, attracting even more love to it, becoming more powerful in each moment, it affects everything, everywhere, because all has been of it's receiving. Light and Love come to that which isn't seeing Itself as such. And what is Light and Love, doubles in power and intensity.

Now, I sent it, direct it, to anywhere, everywhere I want. I generally have had those places and people I have sent it too repeatedly, and simply double my last sending by the mere act of saying so....then I send love to what comes to my awareness...

I picture what has come...a person, a place, an ailment...and I direct a beam of light into "it's heart"...instantly, the heart opens to receive, and as it begins to fill with this energy, it starts to infuse every cell, every chakra, every state surrounding the heart.

As this body fills to overflowing, it spills out into the outer bodies that exist...each in turn filling with love - imeasurable. This flow has also "jump started" the heart center from a no, or low flow condition. The heart leads to the same source of the love I'm sending, it reconizies Itself. By this, it flows, and expands, and increases the love flowing.

I increase the light, and the love flowing in it's being, until they are nothing but this light. Their entire enviroment becomes consumed. Everyone who comes in contact with, is drawn to them, is affected. It expands out to their home, family, co-workers, community...ever increasing, ever expanding, ever becoming....

Totally Consumed In Love !

To heal, or be healed...simply send it love with intensity of light.

"Loving Words Into Being"

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We Are Flowing...

We absorb what others have written, and what they talk about. We take what we feel we need, and leave the rest.

We've discovered that this is also what happens to us lifetime, after lifetime. The "body" has died many times in the past - the consciousness, renewing the soul that we are, expands within itself, taking what it needed, and leaving the rest.

From lifetime to lifetime, we reveal - remember, more and more of our true selves. Not only are we remembering, but we are expanding, by our very experiences.

In this present moment, we are in bodies of flesh, yet, we are "light bodies", eternal. We come and go as, we, as our souls, tend to the universe at large.

We experience this in meditation, prayer, silence and sleep. Those of us who sometimes continue to "leave it up to the mind" (ego) to "do our thinking", and telling the body what actions to take...find ourselves, "lost"...unaware...

This body is one of the most incredible functioning devices ever created, by us. And here we sometimes let the ego, the human self, run it, usually without any direction or information. We just let it run till it "quits". We watch the unfolding.

But blame not the ego...blame not the human self. All direction comes from the soul...ourselves. Do we not sit in complete command of what we would create? Would we not have the perfect plan already within our knowing?

Therefore, we are already utterly perfect, and whole. We sit and watch this part of ourselves, like a father looking on lovingly at his child. Like a mother watching her offspring burst forth in triumph and victory.

We animate everything we create. We bring life to a matter. We are the energy that is within that which is created. Our expression is through what is created by us. And creating with love, creates lovingly.

As we create, and express through the bodies we infuse with ourselves, we expand by these experiences. From one liftime to the next; one body to the next, we absorb the energy of the experiences into our wholeness, expand. We take what we need and leave the rest.

We have taken nothing that was not ours to take. We are completely giving of all that is needed to express ourselves fully within any body. All powers of ourselves, which is all powers of the universe, are ours to use for any experience, we are one, only seen as more than one soul, for yet a "different" experience. And every created body only appears separate...contrast is good.

We inhabit these bodies of flesh to play. We even created one of the best helpers we could have, so far. We put ego in the body to run operations, the interface. And what a fine help it has been, constantly going, never taking a break.

We told it to do whatever it took to "experience", and to create any experience it could decide on. We enjoyed this very much...we await such expression with glee. We told it to ask for anything it ever needs, and instantly, it will be so.

No limits, no rules, nothing will stop it......decide, and it is. Simple as that.

However, we also take note of this ego's demand for more...more...more...more.

It has believed itself to be masterful, and all powerful. It has believed it is all there is, self contained. Forgetting it's true purpose.

We chuckle so hard about this...yes, we laugh....A LOT.

You see, we created these very bodies for our purposes, to experience. We experience many things with them. We can not judge what is but our creation, our extended experience. We give FREE WILL for the experience to be created, "lived", and pondered on.

The very vessel itself, the body, is for the freedom of our Will. Now the ego can and does create, by extention, avenues for our will to express, yet, sometimes it has decided it is more than our will, that it is, more than it will do. It is when the ego has decided "to do", that it becomes separated, asleep. Our will is complete and perfect, nothing needs to be done.

When the ego experiences itself, as "in the flow", what it is meaning is, it has stopped doing. It has stopped trying to direct the flow of what is perfectly flowing from abundance, without is already done. We take care of everything....come now, you don't just have all the power of the universe, of ourselves and not use it, do you?

We inhabit these bodies...we are writing and reading this "matter of experience" at this moment.Time has come full circle in an this moment. No Time.

We love children...just new expressions of ourselves. We watch as they they begin to question, as we give the answers, and watch them respond, develop, become more. Therefore, our bodies, our creations are merely children of ourselves...we like watching ourselves become is our nature.

Children have no problem being what they will. They are being us. When the will is expressed, there is nothing to do, for it is done, and why children run, and laugh, and play...for that is what it is to "be in the flow", all of the energy in the universe stands ready to play.

The ego forgot this was about playing, playing out our will as ourselves. And as any father, as any mother, we simply watch, and wait, and give, till the ego glances over from it's routine of doing, and we respond, with ourselves, fully flowing.

We are flowing...



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Monday, July 30, 2007

Intentional Living

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Sunday, July 29, 2007

What Is Intimacy ?

We seem to know what it isn't? We say we don't see it, don't have it, or that we're working on it. Are we?

Intimacy, is not mommy and daddy wanting to "be alone"? Though it can be there.

Intimacy, is not our telling of secrets to another in private, though it can occur.

Intimacy, is not the taking of the morning in the bathroom to console and ready ourselves, though it may become just that.

Intimacy, is "completing wholeness".

If you think of it as two people, the two becoming One, is completing wholeness.

If you think of bringing another into your confidence, into your "understanding"...which if true of intimacy, means those being intimate, come into being of the same say, Spirit.

How do we learn intimacy? We begin by coming into one mind, one spirit, of OURSELVES. You; Me, we have to begin by being intimate with ourselves FIRST.

We know ourselves, coming to understand ourselves, and realizing, we are already completed, already whole, already our private moments, as we look in the mirrors, look deep within, we are happy with what we are becoming...we are becoming ourselves, us...complete...and in doing this...anyone or anything else we become intimate with, is blessed, healed, and shown how to "be ourselves".

"Intimacy", bringing wholeness out of that which was not...



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Monday, July 09, 2007


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Monday, June 04, 2007

Never Forget To...

From: uniL♥Visions

♥thanks, Love~
~ Unity ~

Why I never forget to say I love you" . . .


~Author unknown~

If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more

If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word,
so I could play them back day after day.

If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute
to stop and say "I love you,"
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.

If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.

For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything just right.

There will always be another day
to say "I love you,"
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "Anything I can do?"

But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day,

That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today,
and whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear

Take time to say "I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay."
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today.

"There are only two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle, The other is as though everything is a miracle. I believe in the latter."

-- Albert Einstein

Sent with Love, Unity

Please Don't hesitate to share this with friends

"When there's love in your heart,
you always have something left to give"

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Romance vs Love

From: Tony
Thajnks! ~

June 4, 2007
The Real Thing
Love Should Feel Good

Often in our lives, we fall prey to the idea of a thing rather than actually experiencing the thing itself. We see this at play in our love lives and in the love lives of our friends, our family, and even fictional characters. The conceptualizing, depiction, and pursuit of true love are multimillion-dollar industries in the modern world. However, very little of what is offered actually leads us to an authentic experience of love. Moreover, as we grasp for what we think we want and fail to find it, we may suffer and bring suffering to others. When this is the case, when we suffer more than we feel healed, we can be fairly certain that what we have found is not love but something else.

When we feel anxious, excited, nervous, and thrilled, we are probably experiencing romance, not love. Romance can be a lot of fun as long as we do not try to make too much of it. If we try to make more of it than it is, the romance then becomes painful. Romance may lead to love, but it may also fade without blossoming into anything more than a flirtation. If we cling to it and try to make it more, we might find ourselves pining for a fantasy, or worse, stuck in a relationship that was never meant to last.

Real love is identifiable by the way it makes us feel. Love should feel good. There is a peaceful quality to an authentic experience of love that penetrates to our core, touching a part of ourselves that has always been there. True love activates this inner being, filling us with warmth and light. An authentic experience of love does not ask us to look a certain way, drive a certain car, or have a certain job. It takes us as we are, no changes required. When people truly love us, their love for us awakens our love for ourselves. They remind us that what we seek outside of ourselves is a mirror image of the lover within. In this way, true love never makes us feel needy or lacking or anxious. Instead, true love empowers us with its implicit message that we are, always have been, and always will be, made of love.

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Language of Love

From: Tony

Thanks! ~ indigowindchime

Love in English has hundreds of meanings in common usage.
"Love" in Hebrew is expressed by a variety of words which are somewhat broad in their usage.

DODIM, an impulse of heart, a sexual attraction

HAMED, desire, covet, lust

' AGAV, impure love, doting, lust

RE'A, companionship, friendship,

HESED, mercy and compassion

Hasheq, strong attachement

AHAV, inclination or affection, desire, whether human or divine

"LOVE" in Greek, is expressed by five distinct words
having more distinct meanings:

Desire- attraction (epithumia)

Longing - romance (eros)

Belonging - affection (storge)

Cherishing - friendship (phile)

Selfless giving - the truest of loves (agape)

Learning what language your soul is speaking can teach
you much about who you really are and where you are going....

Enigma, The Gravity of Love

Originally posted by indigowindchime

Feel free to explore the many languages and add the meanings and words for LOVE. Each forms it's own "vibration", and thus "it's powers". Again, once you begin to see the power in words and feel with use, you will be empowered.

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What Is Love?

From: Christopher

taken from one of my favorite blogs...
i feel all high today 'cause I finally went out dancing! WHOOO HOOO!

What is Love?

Maybe I read too many Richard Bach books, or watched too many movies...god knows there isn't a movie out there that doesn't end with some sort of swapping of DNA between two people suposedly 'in love', but I've spent alot of my wakingtime thinking about love and what it really is, and I have this crazy idea of what love actually is.

I think every human has an energy, or electricity flowing through their body. This energy flows freely through a healthy newborn child, but as we age and are made to feel bad about ourselves, or damage our bodies with toxic food or bad habits, we impede the flow of this energy, and create blockages which need to be removed. There is also another more subtle energy, which flows through the soul, and which is blocked by events from past lives, and 'emotional' things that occur to us in this life. This energy is impeded by improper development or misuse of the emotions, traumatic childhood type events etc...this more subtle energy can actually then manifest as blockages in the more dense, physical energy.

When the more dense energy is perfectly flowing through the physical body, an exctasy indesribable is felt throughout the body. It is as though you are teetering on the very very, point of no return, edge of orgasm 24-7. And this is the state which most people refer to as,"seing god". In this state, the perfect union between your soul and God is undeniable, and the delusions of the world fall away, in a way that the human mind will not ever grasp, until experienced. It is like...a reunion with the truth. Healthy babies exist in this state all the time, and is what yogis call Samadhi, or Zen. Yoga actually means union with God.

Now throughout our lives as we have fearful experiences, or are told by ourselves, are parents, and whoever is around us that we are 'bad', we shut our awareness of this perfectly freely flowing energy off, while we are busy feeling 'bad', or afraid. It is actually a chemical process by which toxins are produced in the physical body from the breakdown products of adrenaline, and stress hormones that activate when we are afraid, or upset. When these chemicals wear off, they leave behind
toxic chemicals (adrenal chromate I think?) that can actually cause brain damage after long periods of exposure to stressfull situations. Like kids growing up in abusive homes, thier brains are actually damaged by the constant stress chemicals. Even after the stressful situation is passed, the chemical damage can be permanent. how do we get back to perfect blissed out state? Usually we fall in love. See, what happens is, when we get near someone that has thier energy flowing nicely in some area but not in others, but our areas line one person is lacking where the other person is fine...the energy starts to flow again perfectly becasue the channel is now unblocked. Where there is a blockage in your body, the other person is open, so the energy has a path to flow through. And over time, this energy can remove blockages in both people's bodies, and bring them both closer to perfection. I think it makes sense that these two people should fall in love and want to combine thier physical bodies into one person, one person that would be a complete whole where the parents were individually lacking in areas. This is how babies should be made, in my opinion. Those babies, born from that kind of love are super-babies.

So love is really just that blissed out all the time, everything's gonna be ok, kinda feeling, and that is really just the biproduct of being near someone that completes your circuit. 'Love' is really the perfect flow of energy around a healthy human being. It is this state that has been genetically bred out of us, so that we may be a slave to institutions which teach us that we are bad, and sinners, and that only by going into their building, and donating money to them, can you experience this feeling again. If everyone were intimately associated with the universe, how could the church control access to God?

The truth is, you don't need anything else outside your body to get back to that perfect state of oneness with the universe, that state that makes human love look like a joke. It is only by completing our own circuits, and becoming completely fully functioning human beings, through Yoga, Tai-Chi, Chi-Gung, Kung-Fu, Meditation, Dancing, whatever. Any of the millions of ways the universe has sent us to save ourselves, so that we can break our desire to have relationship after relationship, in a vain attempt to find what it is that we are truly looking for, which is peace. It is from this state, that we learn to love ourselves, and forgive ourselves our past mistakes,and begin to influence our need to be reborn into physical bodies at all.

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Friday, June 01, 2007

May You Know You Are Loved

From: *Karen~Karma*

May you always feel loved.

May you find serenity and tranquility
in a world you may not always understand.

May the pain you have known
and the conflict you have experienced
give you the strength to walk through life
facing each new situation with courage and optimism.

Always know that there are those
whose love and understanding will always be there,
even when you feel most alone.

May a kind word,
a reassuring touch,
and a warm smile
be yours every day of your life,
and may you give these gifts
as well as receive them.

May the teachings of those you admire
become part of you,
so that you may call upon them.

Remember, those whose lives you have touched
and who have touched yours
are always a part of you,
even if the encounters were less than you would have wished.
It is the content of the encounter
that is more important than its form.

May you not become too concerned with material matters,
but instead place immeasurable value
on the goodness in your heart.
Find time in each day to see beauty and love
in the world around you.

Realize that what you feel you lack in one regard
you may be more than compensated for in another.
What you feel you lack in the present
may become one of your strengths in the future.
May you see your future
as one filled with promise and possibility.
Learn to view everything as a worthwhile experience.

May you find enough inner strength
to determine your own worth by yourself,
and not be dependent
on another's judgment of your accomplishments.

May you always feel loved.

Thanks for sharing

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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Working With Love (Heal, Empower, Change Everything)


One concern people seem to have when I mention that we have the
ability to send Love to other people is about one person
controlling another. Love does not control. There is nothing
about Love that is controlling or manipulative. Love has the
ability to affect a person's behavior and how they feel. A person
who feels Love and is surrounded by Love tends to behave in
different ways than one who feels unloved and angry or depressed.
When a person is angry, sad, depressed, or feels unloved, his
actions resemble the lack of Love. The amount of Love a person
has is directly associated with their actions, words, thoughts,
and behavior. Normally it is accepted that there is not much we
can do, but that is just an illusion. We have the ability to send
massive amounts of Love to people, animals, plants, and our
environment. The results can be astounding. Children are a
perfect example. Their actions are an instant and perfect
reflection of the amount of Love they have. Just because someone
loves them does not necessarily mean they are receiving this Love,
and that's where the difference lies. Loving someone is wonderful
but sending them Love is where you will really see the magic.
Who do we send Love to? Everyone, Our lovers, children, friends,
co-workers, people we meet, the people who govern our cities and
countries, and everyone that you encounter. We can fill our homes
with Love, surround our cities with Love, and send Love to our
pets and plants. You might be very pleasantly surprised to see
how well plants do when they are surrounded with Love. There's
nothing stopping anyone from filling an entire field with Love.
We can send Love into the food we eat and the food we serve. And
on it goes.
Love is very magnetic. It attracts more Love and joy to it. I've
watched people change right in front of my eyes and become
happier, more joyful, relaxed, and peaceful. It's a wonderful
feeling to be able to help others, considering how easy it is.
Any place I go, whether it's a meeting, a party, or just a
gathering, I always send Love there first, and it makes all the
difference. Love is very magnetic and if you fill yourself with
Love to the point where you become radiant with Love, you will
very quickly find that people are attracted to you and will try to
be near you. This is very natural; after all, if you were at a
party, who would you gravitate towards? The person who is radiant
with Love or someone who is unhappy and not feeling loved? The
more radiant we are with Love and the closer people and animals
come, the more Love they receive and the happier and more joyful
they become. All in all, it becomes an incredible experience for
everyone; there is a sense of joy, peace, openness, and belonging.
In order to send Love to other people, animals, plants, or the
world, you need to open your heart and let the Love flow. Not only
is it as easy as breathing, but each time you send Love you
receive more Love yourself because the Love comes from within you
and must travel through you before it is sent out. And that's an
indescribable bonus.
Opening our hearts and becoming radiant with Love is a very
natural thing and happens very often on an unconscious level. For
instance when we hold a small baby or puppy or kitten in our arms,
our heart begins to open and we begin to feel and radiate Love.
When we fall in Love with someone, that other person becomes the
trigger mechanism that opens our hearts, but in time the trigger
mechanism wears out and then we wonder why we don't feel as much
Love as we did before. That's usually when the trouble starts.
But when we have the ability to open our hearts consciously by
ourselves and send Love to another person, Love can continue to
grow instead of drying up like a puddle in the hot sun. There is
no limit to the amount of Love people can feel and experience. If
we are not in a relationship, we can still feel Love and feel
loved. There is no reason why we need to wait day after day for
someone to come along to open our hearts. We have the ability to
open our hearts, fill ourselves and become radiant with Love and
thereby attracting more Love.
When I learned to send Love, it became the joy of my life. For the
first time in my life I really felt I could make a difference.
What a difference that has made to my life! As I radiate out more
Love, I attract more good things and good experiences to myself.
The more I work with Love, the more everything just seems to click
for me and work out perfectly.

Relaxing and Letting Go
The most important part about learning to open your heart, filling
yourself with Love and sending Love, is learning to completely
relax and let go of all other thoughts. It's very important
during any of the following exercises that you stay focused and
leave all other thoughts alone. If you find yourself drifting
off, simply bring yourself back and continue. With a little
practice and time, you will find it becomes easier each time.
Unless you have had some practice with meditation or relaxing
exercises, it's probably best that you either lie or sit down
somewhere quiet where you will not be disturbed and spend a few
moments clearing your mind and totally relaxing your body. With
practice you will be able to open your heart and send Love
virtually anywhere and anytime, because you will be able to relax
your body and instantly clear your mind and focus on your heart.
There's a certain feeling that comes when you open your heart.
This is difficult to learn if you do not start off learning it in
a quiet and peaceful environment. This is because when your body
is totally relaxed and your mind is clear and calm, there is a
certain inner sensory perception. This is important because that
is where you will find the feelings associated with opening your
Even though I am able to send Love virtually anywhere, like while
riding a bus or driving in a car, I still spend 15 to 20 minutes
each day where I lie down and totally focus on opening my heart
and radiating Love. This seems to dramatically increase my
ability every time.
There are many books on the market about relaxing and calming the
mind so I won't go into it in too much detail. If you find it is
easier for you to relax by listening to perhaps a meditation tape
or some very relaxing and soothing music, that seems to work very
well and it won't interfere with your ability to open your heart.
Here's what I do whether I'm lying down or sitting. First I
totally relax my body by making sure every muscle in my body is
relaxed, even my face muscles. I do this by pretending that I'm
going to sleep and I tell my body that we are going to have a nap.
I let my body go to sleep while I clear my mind of all thoughts.
The way I clear my mind is much the same way as the instructions
for moving forward in time. I imagine that my mind is connected to
the larger part of me. It doesn't matter what you call this part,
just connect to it and let all your concerns and other thoughts
slip away. I do this by what I call inner listening. I put all my
focus and attention on hearing that larger part of myself.
After that it's just a matter of focusing my mind on opening my
heart and sending Love, whatever it is I choose to do.
If you have a serious problem with keeping your mind from drifting
with various thoughts that keep coming up, I imagine an extremely
bright beam of light coming down into the top of my head. It
reaches directly into the middle of my brain, and then expands
from there. This seems to completely clear out all other thoughts.
For maximum results, your body needs to be totally relaxed and
even asleep, and your mind needs to be clear of everything except
that which you want to achieve. After a bit of practice you will
be able to open your heart and send Love anytime, but I have found
in the long run that I get maximum results when I lie down and let
my body go to sleep while my mind stays awake but focused.
So there it is. It's simple. Sometimes people tell me that they
don't have an extra twenty minutes a day for this. I can
understand that because they seem to be spending most of their day
trying to straighten out all the crap that seems to happen to
them. I wonder why so much crap happens to them while my days go
by like a lucky charm? Maybe it's that twenty minutes I spend
every day sending Love. What do you think?

Opening your Heart, Filling and Surrounding Yourself with Love
Opening our hearts, filling and surrounding ourselves with Love is
so easy to do that you'll think it couldn't possibly work, but it
does work and it is a very natural occurrence. I pretend there is
a valve near my heart in the center of the upper part of my chest.
When we fall in Love with someone, this imaginary valve opens, and
in a manner of speaking most of the Love we feel comes from us. We
also become radiant with Love and as we connect more with the
other person we have fallen in Love with, we begin to receive
their Love and also send ours to them. As we fall in Love, this
other person becomes the trigger mechanism that opens this valve
and allows the Love to flow, but in time the things that this
person does or says that opened our hearts slowly stops working.
That is why sometimes the Love that we felt at the beginning seems
to slowly dissipate. As you can imagine, this causes a lot of
problems in a relationship. Many times it causes it to end, at
which point our hearts begin to close even more, and that is where
the largest part of the pain that we feel comes from. As our
hearts close it becomes more and more painful. But we have the
ability to open our hearts on our own. We do not need to feel the
pain that is caused by our hearts closing. We can continuously
open our hearts more each day and we can send this Love to each
other so that as the days and years go by, we experience more and
more Love. There is no limit to the amount of Love we can feel,
have, and experience. Many people have told me that as a
relationship develops that there is a point where it becomes
comfortable and safe. And I agree with that. They have reached
an acceptable amount of Love...less than they had at a certain
point in their relationship, but more than they had before. But
why limit it to that? Why not keep growing further in Love and
allowing more Love to grow? Everyone dreams of experiencing more
Love even if they have been in a very good relationship for quite
some time. It is natural for us to want to grow and to experience
more Love each day. And the really beautiful thing about our
ability to open our own heart is that we do not need to wait for a
relationship so that we can feel and be radiant with Love. It's
just a matter of deciding what we really want. Are we totally
satisfied with the amount of Love we have or do we want more Love?
Why not, it's there inside us and it's free! Where there's an
abundance of Love there cannot be pain, anguish, hurt, angers or
hate. None of these things can survive in Love. If you have any
problems with these other things it's just a matter of opening
your heart and filling yourself with Love, and those things will
disappear very quickly.
The instructions that follow are very simple, and it's not
important for you to follow them one hundred percent. What is
important is that your mind is clear and focused on opening your
heart, and that your intentions are there. As you begin to play
with this exercise in opening your heart, allow it to change to
whatever works best for you on that particular day. This exercise
is designed to get you started. Let it grow and become you. If
you want, you can record the instructions on a tape with some
background music and just lie back and follow your own
instructions. This actually works very well.
So just relax, have fun, and keep your pants on because you're not
going to believe the things you are going to experience. It's
going to be one beautiful ride.
This is how I do it. I lie down because I prefer that to sitting
up, but if I don't have the opportunity to lie down I'll do it
sitting up or even standing. I begin to relax my body by simply
letting it go.
Next, let go of all thoughts and any concerns you have about
things that you need to do today. Sometimes I pretend that the
world doesn't exist and I tell myself that I refuse to think about
anything that is beyond my physical body.
Breathing properly is also helpful. I breathe very slowly but
deeply, taking large slow breaths. This slows down my stray
thoughts, and very quickly tends to bring about a calming effect
throughout my body.
Continue breathing slowly and deeply. Bring your consciousness
inside your body. Imagine that you are trying to listen to your
inner self or soul (whatever you prefer to call it). Listen with
all your attention; focus on listening and hearing what your inner
self might be saying to you. Listen to the quiet, the peace that
is inside you. Continue to do this for as long as you like.
Now imagine that there is a very bright light in the center of
your chest like a very large brilliant diamond glowing as bright
as the sun. Use your imagination any way you like. See this
glowing light as Love. You can see it as sparkles or a golden
light, whatever you choose. Just focus on the fact that it is
Love. Now allow this Love that is glowing from your heart to
become brighter and larger. Use your inner senses to increase the
size and bring it out and beyond your body so that you are
becoming a small sun glowing and radiating with Love. Feel
yourself being filled with Love, as you become more radiant.
Notice how every cell in your body is absorbing this Love and
becoming radiant with Love. Feel this Love, feel how you are now
surrounded and radiant with Love. Notice how your hands and feet
are radiating with Love. You are glowing with Love. As you breathe
in, you can feel your lungs filling with Love and even more Love
circulating through your body. Continue to feel this as much as
possible. In your imagination, see how radiant you have become
with Love. See how everything that you touch receives this Love.
Anyone who comes near you receives the Love that you radiate.
Continue to see and feel yourself becoming even more radiant,
constantly increasing the Love each time you breathe, becoming
brighter and more radiant with Love each breath. Feel the joy
that is bubbling up from inside you. Feel how you are filled with
joy, feel how loved you are. As you become more and more radiant,
you are becoming magnetic and drawing more Love to you, attracting
people happiness and joy. You are becoming magnetic and drawing
good, joyful, and loving things towards you. In your mind's eye
see how everyone who comes close to you receives the Love you are
radiating. You are so filled with Love that you are radiating
Love into the world. Continue to increase the sensation and
feelings of Love. You may notice warmth in your chest area, or a
feeling of pressure or pain. This is all right. It is because your
heart is opening. Keep breathing slowly and deeply, opening to
your heart even more. Become even more radiant with Love, filling
your entire body and mind with Love. Notice how your thoughts are
changing. Notice how you are becoming more loving and
understanding as you are becoming Love.
Stay there as long as you want. You can do this as many times a
day as you like. The more you do this, the more radiant with Love
you will become and the more Love and joy and good things you will
attract to yourself. People and animals will want to be near you.
Allow them this, for they are searching for more Love and as you
become more radiant with Love they receive Love from you. It is a
gift beyond words.
Now you can send its Love to other people or fill your home or
your work area with Love. The list is endless. If it comes to your
mind, send it Love. It's that simple. You have an endless supply
of Love. You cannot ever run out.

Sending Love to People
When you want to send Love to a Lover, friends, co workers, or
anyone, first you need to open your heart and become radiant with
Love, as described in the "Opening Your Heart" exercise. There
are different ways you can send Love to other people; each of
which has a tendency to give different results. Unfortunately it
would take an entire book for me to list all the possibilities
that I have seen and experienced, so that is something you will
need to discover for yourself. I will explain some of the
When you send Love to another person, it's best when we expect
nothing in return but are just giving a gift of unconditional
Love. It's usually best if you send the Love totally
unconditionally; in other words, letting the other person decide
in what manner it is best used. Because we are more than our
conscious mind, that larger part of ourselves will direct the Love
into whatever area it is most needed in the present moment. It
is, however, possible to send Love and put a small stipulation
with it, as when someone is very ill and you are sending Love to
assist their healing. Still in my experience, ninety percent of
the time I have found that it is best just to send them Love
because sometimes their illness can actually do them more good in
the long run than a quick recovery. Sometimes if someone is ill,
I will send them Love in various ways, one being unconditional,
and also at a separate time send them Love to assist their
healing. I do this only if it feels right at the time. When your
heart is open and you are radiant with Love, quietly ask which way
would be best for this person at this time. You will always
receive an answer, most likely as a feeling. If it feels right,
do it.
Here are a few different ways that you can send Love. I assume you
will know which one will be the correct one at a given time for
this particular person.
1. We can send Love and surround the person with Love, filling
with Love the room that this person might be in. This works
extremely well in many different circumstances, such as a party
that is not going very well. Simply surround everyone with
Love and you'll find that the entire mood will change very
quickly. This also works well in meetings or job interviews,
or even a get-together with a friend. It's like draping them
with a warm blanket of Love. And who would say no to that.
This also works extremely well if you happen to be with a
person who is very nervous or agitated or irritated. You will
find that they will calm down considerably and very quickly.
In case you're thinking this has anything to do with control,
Love has nothing to with control. This is a lot like giving
someone a hug, but it's a hundred times more beneficial.
2. We can send Love directly into the person and filling them with
Love, and also send Love to a particular area in their body
that they are having some problems with. If you are doing
this, imagine the Love going into this particular area in the
body and totally filling each cell with Love until they begin
to glow and radiate Love. Then visualize whatever ailment they
have leaving the body. You can visualize this any way you
like. It is your intent to send Love that brings it about.
Visualizing it is only the method to engage your intent.
3. We can send Love directly to a person's heart. This will assist
that person in opening their heart and allows the Love to flow
into them from their own heart center. This works extremely
well if someone has recently ended a relationship or is going
through a life crisis and is experiencing a lot of pain. This
works extremely well under those circumstances because one of
the main reasons they are feeling this pain is because their
heart has begun to close. There is nothing more painful.
4. We can also send Love directly to another person's heart in
order to connect more closely with them, such as with your mate
or lover. You will find that this creates a very close
connection and even allows you to be with that person despite
the fact that they may be far away. If two people agree to do
this with each other, it can become one of the most beautiful
and loving experiences you might ever have. It creates an
incredible bond between two people and at the same time you
will still be an individual. This sounds like an incredible
combination, but it works. And it's beautiful because you will
never feel alone, providing both of you agree to this. Timing
is not important. Love works beyond time so even if you send
your mate Love in the morning and your mate did not do it until
the evening, the connection will be exactly the same as if you
had done it at exactly the same time. It doesn't really matter
how this works. What is important is that it does, and that the
results are beautiful.
Open your heart and fill and surround yourself with Love. Then
imagine a beam of Love coming from that glowing heart center in
your chest, moving upwards to your mind and head center. Now see
a beautiful golden beam of Love going from your eyes directly to
the eyes of your mate or Lover. Continue with this and at the same
time see another beautiful golden beam of Love coming from your
heart and going directly to your mate or lover's heart. Be still
and continue this for as long as you like. You can also do this at
any time of the day and as many times as you like. Remember that
Love is unconditional and there are no controlling factors
involved here what so ever. When your lover or mate does the
same, the connection will be complete even though it is not
necessarily done at the same moment. The more you do this the
closer you will be connected. I'll let you discover the magic of
that, but don't be too surprised if you begin to know what he or
she is about to say even before they say it.
So there it is. I'm sure that many of you will discover new things
and new ways of sending Love. That's the joy of it. When your
heart is open and you are filled and radiant with Love, you will
know exactly what to do. Just follow that inner guidance and trust
that Love is capable of working its own miracles. All we need to
do is give a little.
When I first started with all of this, I used to see Love as a
golden sparkling light and I would imagine seeing it go exactly
where I was sending it. It doesn't matter how you see Love in
your minds eye, only that you have the intention to send Love.
I've slowly discovered that using my imagination sends a message
to some larger part of myself, which then initiates the process of
opening my heart and sending Love. But the bottom line is always
the same: it works. When you feel that you have sent enough Love,
stop and continue some other time. You cannot hurt anyone by
sending Love, so there is really no reason to be afraid. Have

Sending Love to your Children
I have a child of my own and one of the things that I have learned
is that children can be very rewarding but also they can give you
challenges that can really boggle the mind. And if you have any
buttons, they will push them until something breaks! That is just
their nature. The challenge can be quite frustrating sometimes.
So in this area I've decided to go into it in more detail because
they are our future and our life. If you have children, learning
to fill yourself with Love and to send them Love will be one the
biggest blessings of your life. I know that's a big statement,
but I've been there and I've seen the results.
Around Easter 1996, my son came back to live with me. Everything
was going very smoothly, which is saying quite a lot considering
he was a teenager. I was spending a lot of my time working on
different probabilities and shifting around in those
probabilities, and with moving forward and backward in time. This
took an enormous amount of effort so I wasn't working much with
Love then. I was spending very little time sending Love to my son,
which turned out not to be the most productive decision I've ever
made. But it turned out to be quite a learning experience.
The only disagreement we basically had was what time he should
come home in the evening. This turned into a daily disagreement,
and finally it heated up to a very short argument, when my son in
his infinite wisdom decided to run away from home to make his
I decided to just let it be because I wasn't worried about him
because I was able to go where he was, using the same method as I
used with Rudy, our dog. This worked extremely well.
Unfortunately my ex-wife went into a panic and decided to visit
and brought her sister with her. Sometimes the best intentions
can do more damage than not, but nevertheless after a few days of
running around trying to catch up with my son they reluctantly
decided to go home and hoped that he would come back on his own.
I had not told them about my experiences or my work with Love.
While they were there I was not able to do the things that I
wanted to do. After they left I immediately began sending my son
massive amounts of Love. I found one of his friends and gave her
an envelope with some money in it, along with a note that said it
was fine for him to come home at any time. Then I got on my
imaginary train and traveled to where he was and began speaking
with that larger part of him. I listened allot, too. Listening
was probably the most important part because I began to understand
what was going on inside him. I told his larger part that I could
give him the freedom that he wanted, but that he should come home
as quickly as possible. That larger part agreed. From the moment
I began sending Love to him, he was home within thirty-six hours.
When he came home I relaxed my rules about what time he needed to
be home. Actually I left it wide open. I have to admit that there
was a part of me that was concerned but at the same time there was
also a part of me that knew everything would work out perfectly as
long as I continued to send him Love.
As soon as my son headed out the door, I took 15 minutes to fill
and surround him with as much Love as I could. Within forty-five
days everything changed. My son's behavior changed, our
relationship changed, the people he was hanging out with changed.
It was like I was dealing with a totally different person. It was
just incredible. It also would take forever to explain all the
details, but you will see those results for yourself.
My son wanted to hang out with a group of teenagers that I wasn't
very impressed with or very concerned would be a better way to
express it. As I began surrounding him with Love, that all
changed. They rejected him even though they would talk to him on
the phone and would tell him where they would meet, but when they
physically saw him there they would leave him behind. It took me
a while to figure out all the details about exactly what happened.
When a person is filled and surrounded with Love we vibrate at a
different level than someone who is unhappy or angry at the world.
We do not match. Look at it from the perspective of the other
kids. When he was talking to them on the phone everything was
fine because he spoke the same language as they did, but when they
met in person, he would be standing there radiating and glowing
with Love, and even though consciously they did not see it, they
felt it. They would not match and nor would they want him along
on their travels.
This caused a bit of confusion for my son because he did not want
to be in the goody two shoes crowd but was rejected by the bad
boys. At least he was never again in any trouble and things seem
to click for him very well. Love is magnetic and so he attracts
people to him very easily and people tend to like him very
quickly. Something that you may also notice is that when you are
filled and surrounded with Love people tend to treat you with a
lot more respect and kindness, which is how things seem to work
for him now.
To send Love to your children, just follow the same steps as in
opening your heart and sending Love to other people. You can also
connect to your children using the instructions on how to connect
with your mate or lover.
Going where your children are and speaking and listening to that
larger part of them is fairly easy to do. It does take a little
bit of practice, but everyone can do it. I have made some changes
in this over the years. You can take the instructions and record
them on a tape, which you can listen to while taking that journey.
You can also use this for many other things: for instance, if you
want to visit your mate, even if they are out of the country. You
can also use this to speak to another person's larger part and
very easily solve an argument or a misunderstanding. Remember that
listening is more important than expressing your point of view.
If you remember that, you will do just fine with it. If you are
concerned about privacy, give it up. There is no such thing. It is
nothing but an illusion. Think about that and you'll see what I
mean. If you're doing things that other people shouldn't find out
about, it would be best if you take a second look at those
actions, and be prepared to accept the consequences. If there is
Love in your heart you have nothing to hide or be afraid of.
By the way, various governments have been using this method for
spying for quite a number of years, and it's not even a secret.
You can go to any library and look up the information.
To start, follow your normal relaxation exercise and then open
your heart, making yourself as radiant with Love as possible.
Now imagine that you are inside a bubble of Love. See and feel
this as clearly as possible. Let the world drift away. Begin to
think about the person that you want to visit. Don't concern
yourself where they might be. Think about them and with your mind,
feel your bubble of Love beginning to travel to wherever they are.
Your bubble of Love is moving faster and faster. Trust that it
will take you where you want to go. Your bubble of Love begins to
slow down and as it comes to a stop, the bubble disappears, but
you are still radiant and surrounded by Love. Use your
imagination to see the person that you have come to visit. Ignore
the surroundings. Let them come on their own. Focus only on the
person. Is she or he sitting or standing or lying down? Now
imagine a beam of beautiful golden Love coming from your heart
going directly to their heart, filling and surrounding them with
Love, and see Love coming from your heart center into your mind
and from your eyes traveling to theirs. Ask a question if you
like, or ask them to speak with you and listen. Listen with all
your focus but do not strain. Feel the information flowing into
you as thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Each time you do this you
will be able to hear and understand more clearly.
Continue for as long as you feel comfortable.
When you are done speaking and listening, look at the
surroundings. Where are you? What do you see, feel, and sense?
Absorb the surroundings; sense them as much as possible. Do this
for as long as you like.
When you are ready to return, surround yourself again with a
bubble of Love and feel it returning to your present place and
time. When you are back, wake up very slowly. If you need to,
write down everything you felt, heard, and saw. Have fun!
If you are recording this on a tape, make sure to stretch it out
for at least 20 minutes, not counting your relaxation time, and
filling and surrounding yourself with Love. I have found that it
works best for me after I've gone for a long walk or have done
some physical exercise. It's extremely important to allow your
body to go to sleep so that all your focus is on what you are
trying to do, see, and hear with your inner senses.

Filling your home with Love
At least four to five times a week, I take five extra minutes when
I'm working with Love to fill my home with Love. It changes the
whole atmosphere of the place and creates a very peaceful and
relaxing environment. It seems to remove the normal nervous
energy that is in the air, especially in a city. As soon as you
walk out my door and off my property you can immediately tell
there is a difference. I have yet to have someone visit and not
have them mention at some time how peaceful and relaxing it feels.
This is not the house or the furniture. When you come to visit,
you are literally surrounded and engulfed with Love. Even people
who tend to be on the nervous side sit down and calmness seems to
come over them.
You can do this no matter where you live, whether it's a house,
condo, apartment, tent, cave, or a sleeping bag; it doesn't
It's very easy to do. Before you finish sending or working with
Love, imagine that there is a giant valve in your heart that is
being cranked open and a massive amount of Love is flowing out.
Visualize this Love going everywhere, filling your home and
property with Love. Visualize every corner of every room and
everything that you have being saturated with Love so that the air
is thick with Love. That's it, it's that simple.

Filling your work with Love
This can really be very interesting and a lot of fun. Use your
imagination on the different things you can do. For instance, you
can fill your work area with Love just the same way you would fill
your home with Love. You do not need to be at work to do this.
You can do any of these things from anywhere.
I've had lots of fun with this and have had some fascinating
experiences. The most important thing is to open your heart and
make yourself radiant. Then you can send Love to all the people
you work with, surrounding them with Love. You can send Love to
your customers. You can fill the entire business with Love. You
can also fill the products you sell with Love. I could easily
write a whole book on the experiences I've had with sending Love
to my work, but I'll just let you see those results for yourself.
Maybe you'll write that book. It will definitely be a book worth
reading. They say money talks, but so does Love, and it talks a
lot louder. Have fun. And you will, especially once you see how
helpful you can be to other people just by sending them Love. One
warning: it might be best if you send Love out beyond the area
where you work. Otherwise, you may find it will become the local
meeting area, and your boss might not see that exactly from the
same perspective as you do.

Filling everything with Love
You can add Love to anything you can do mentally or physically, or
to anything you touch or think about. There is no end to it.
Here's a bit of a list just to get the juices flowing.
Writing a letter? Fill it with Love.
When going for a job interview, why not send Love first?
Fill your home with Love.
Fill your friends with Love.
Send Love to your pets.
Send Love to your plants.
Send Love to your boss.
Send Love to your mate.
Fill everything you have with Love.
Send Love to the animals in the world.
Send Love to the forests, especially the ones that you are trying
to protect.
Send Love to the people that are trying to cut these forests down.
You might be pleasantly surprised with the results.
Fill and surround your town with Love.
Send Love into the world.
Send Love to the leaders of various towns, cities, provinces and
countries. Those results will knock your socks off.
Help other people by sending them Love.
Send Love to your children.
If you are building, carving, painting, or selling something
you'll find it will be much more appealing to others if it is
radiant with Love.
If enough people send Love into the world and to other people,
peace would come about very quickly.
I could go on and on. I'm pretty confident that you get the

A Little Extra Love in the Bedroom
It's always nice and very helpful when you have a partner who is
willing to do these things with you, but I know from past
experiences that this is not always the case. So if that is the
situation you're in, do it anyway for yourself because it will
make a difference.
Before making Love with someone it would really be helpful if you
take a few minutes and open your heart and become radiant with
Love. While you are making Love, slow down and do the exercise for
connecting to your partner. Continue to open your heart and send
Love directly into the other person's heart. Over time you will
find that your intimacy level will go through the roof, and you'll
feel more Love than you have ever before. Even if your partner is
not interested, it will make a difference for you, and you may
then notice some changes happening to your partner.
Sometimes really loving someone deeply can be very frightening,
but what is really frightening is never experiencing that deep
inner Love.

Creating What You Want with Love
This is very easy to do and will work so perfectly that you'll
wonder what's going on. Follow the instructions about opening
your heart and becoming radiant. Imagine what it is you want to
create. See it in your mind and feel it in your emotions as if you
all ready have it. Then send an enormous amount of Love into this
scene. Do this every second day until it shows up in your physical
reality. Some things will literally show up overnight and other
things may take a little longer, but when you get what you want it
will be beyond what you expected and it really will be with Love.
In case you think this is too simple to work, I can make it more
complicated for you if that makes you feel better. The old story
about "no pain, no gain" is nothing but a pile of crap, but if you
prefer to believe that instead then so be it. And so it will be.
It took me many years to learn that and I'm glad I finally got it
through my thick skull.

Additional i nstructions for sending Love....

Read these books, read like novels...they will not only show you what love is, but how it works, how to work with it...and how it changes everything.

If you never read any other books...these will change your life.

The Books - Start With The First, Print Out For Easy Reading

Manifesting Intention
Essence of Reality
Essence of Eden
Living On Love
Articles of Intent Content
The Intentional One
Intentional Interactive
Knights Intent MySpace

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

What The World Needs....

From: *Karen~Karma*
♥Thank You And Blessings to ♥
Masika (born during rain)
Emanations Of Love
Words to live by...®

May you find serenity and tranquility in a world you may not always understand.

May the pain you have known and the conflict you have experienced give you the strength to walk through life facing each new situation with optimism and courage.

Always know that there are those whose love and understanding will always be there, even when you feel most alone.

May you discover enough goodness in others to believe in a world of peace

May a kind word, a reassuring touch, a warm smile be yours every day of your life, and may you give these gifts as well as receive them.

Remember the sunshine when the storm seems unending.

Teach love to those who know hate, and let that love embrace you as you go into the world.

May the teaching of those you admire become part of you, so that you may call upon them.

Remember, those whose lives you have touched and who have touched yours are always a part of you, even if the encounters were less than you would have wished.

May you not become too concerned with material matters, but instead place immeasurable value on the goodness in your heart.

Find time in each day to see the beauty and love in the world around you.

Realize that each person has limitless abilities, but each of us is different in our own way.

What you may feel you lack in one regard may be more than compensated for in another.

What you feel you lack in the present may become one of your strengths in the future.

May you see your future as one filled with promise and possibility.

Learn to view everything as a worthwhile experience.

May you find enough inner strength to determine your own worth by yourself, and not be dependent on an other's judgments of your accomplishments.

May you always feel loved.

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always, Vanessa
Bulletin creation by Words to live by

Manifesting Intention
Essence of Reality
Essence of Eden
Living On Love
Articles of Intent Content
The Intentional One
Intentional Interactive
Knights Intent MySpace

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