Sunday, July 29, 2007

What Is Intimacy ?

We seem to know what it isn't? We say we don't see it, don't have it, or that we're working on it. Are we?

Intimacy, is not mommy and daddy wanting to "be alone"? Though it can be there.

Intimacy, is not our telling of secrets to another in private, though it can occur.

Intimacy, is not the taking of the morning in the bathroom to console and ready ourselves, though it may become just that.

Intimacy, is "completing wholeness".

If you think of it as two people, the two becoming One, is completing wholeness.

If you think of bringing another into your confidence, into your "understanding"...which if true of intimacy, means those being intimate, come into being of the same say, Spirit.

How do we learn intimacy? We begin by coming into one mind, one spirit, of OURSELVES. You; Me, we have to begin by being intimate with ourselves FIRST.

We know ourselves, coming to understand ourselves, and realizing, we are already completed, already whole, already our private moments, as we look in the mirrors, look deep within, we are happy with what we are becoming...we are becoming ourselves, us...complete...and in doing this...anyone or anything else we become intimate with, is blessed, healed, and shown how to "be ourselves".

"Intimacy", bringing wholeness out of that which was not...



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